In no particular order, these are the best apps I have found in terms of taking and editing pictures. I have also included 2 business utility apps in here; TurboScan and CamCard. I included them on this list, because they depend entirely on your phones camera to work.
1. Camera+
CLICK HERE for a great YouTube review of this app
2. CamCard

3. Pano
CLICK HERE for a great YouTube review of this app.
NOTE: Right now, this is my absolute favorite app. I am blown away with the quality of the pics I get from this app... like these:
Remember, these are pics taken with the camera from a cell phone! AWESOME!
4. InstaGram
5. TurboScan

Very cool app... let's you use your iPhone's camera to take a picture of any document, then it converts it into either a jpeg or pdf file. You can email it to yourself or just save it on your phone. Super handy!
6. FatBooth

Funny app... takes any regular picture of a person, and makes them fat. Very fun!
7. ColorSplash
8. PS Express
9. Photofunia
CLICK HERE for a good YouTube review